

Each topic we choose always resonates with reality. By tearing out our past from the depths, in the form of fairy tales, legends, epics and folk, we build projections with the present time. And this makes it possible to rethink once again the experience we lived in the past. If the king killed his people in the past, and this is still a burning topic for different socio-political systems (Belarus among them), then we must definitely look at it again, relive it, re-evaluate it, and then, of course, convey our understanding to the viewer, so that he also has the opportunity to think about it. And the language of theater helps us with this. And our sacred past helps. If we chase each other like the sun and the moon, and build this race into a canon, and then write it into a fairy tale and it reaches our days, then this sacred experience through theater can be experienced again. To survive in order to understand and break through it, to get out of this cycle. And the viewer is here, present with us: he worries outside, he sees how heads are chopped off, he hears the sacred words of the Moon addressed to the Sun - “I will not calm down and will chase you until I satisfy my anger!” This quote is from the Uzbek fairy tale The Moon and the Sun. The play based on this fairy tale was staged in the summer of 2022. This natural race between the moon and the sun symbolizes our endless race for arms, consumerism and the absorption of the planet's resources.